Work packages
The project consists of 8 work packages for efficient implementation. The work is led by Icelandic engineering firm, Verkís.

Work package 1
System design and simulation
Set up system designs and architecture through rigorous system design approach.
Lay comprehensive foundation for designs and architectures early in the project to avoid later costly and complex problems to rectify
Work package 2
Manufacturing and testing
Manufacture, testing and assembly of the different systems: WAPS (Wind Assisted Propulsion System) and WSHPS (Wind-Solar Hybrid Power System)
The performance in harsh marine environmental conditions will be carried out during testing trials and lab-based simulations.
Work package 3
Container ship trial
Demonstrate the containerised SideWind and PV on a containership in real-world conditions.
Validate renewable energy harnessing capabilities for retrofit on a container vessel and assess logistic and port handling impact.
Work package 4
Bulk carrier trial
Demonstrate the WAPS (Wind Assisted Propulsion System) and WSHPS (Wind-Solar Hybrid Power System) on a bulk carrier in real-world conditions.
Validate renewable energy harnessing capabilities for retrofit on a bulk carrier vessel and assess logistic and port handling impact.
Work package 5
Performance analysis and new purpose-built designs
Extend this analysis to study how the technology could be optimally deployed for new purpose-built vessels, focusing on large container vessels and bulk carrier or tanker.
Study how the technology could be applied to a broader range of vessels for both retrofit and new purpose built.
Work package 6
Cross cutting activities
Provide a regulatory framework assessment to identify the main legal barriers.
Ship classification review on the system design, manufacture and validation of WHISPER technologies.
Work package 7
Exploitation, communication, and dissemination
Dissemination and Communication strategy and activities. Public disclosure of project results, generated data and models, testing procedures and achieving the highest possible project impact and visibility. Stakeholder and value chain definition.